Understanding self-consumption
In a global context of energy crisis, at a time when the electron is becoming the sinews of war, in a world where we can no longer ignore the human impact on the environment, self-consumption of renewable energies is a real vector of transition. The idea of becoming an electricity producer may seem complex, but it's not. The legal, economic and tax frameworks have been in place for several years now, making it easy for any individual or legal entity to set up a self-consumption power plant. We break it all down for you!
The perfect spot for rooftop wind turbines: which buildings and how to install them
While all flat-roofed buildings are eligible for a rooftop wind turbine installation, in reality two steps are required to identify the ideal building. The first is to select sites with high production potential according to certain criteria; the second is to check the technical feasibility of the installation. This article summarizes the criteria for selecting a building for installation, and presents one of the methods used.
Mobility: what if all cars went electric?
On June 28, MEPs voted to ban internal combustion enginevehicles1 by 2035. Only cars powered by "climate-neutral" fuels will be allowed on the market. This resolution will lead to the electrification of our mobility and could result in the evolution of electricity production, which could then diversify and decentralize. If all cars became electric, what would be the impact on electricity consumption?